Quote of the Day WordPress Plugin
Have a WordPress website? Add our Quote of the Day widget to your sidebar. Every day quote will change automatically.
There are also special 'Quote of the Day' quotations about love, motivation, life, fun and positive.
Here is a preview of how the widget will look on your page. The appearance will vary based on the theme of your WordPress page.

1. Upload file http://webrom.in.ua/quotesbox_widget.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory and unzip it.
2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress.
3. Go to Appearance, Widgets in WordPress.
4. Drag the QuotesBox Widget to the sidebar, for example the Main Widget Area or the Secondary Widget Area.
5. Optionally, select the type of quotes you would like to see. (for example Motivational, Life, Funny, Love or Positive)
Note: you may only use the WordPress plugin WITHOUT modification. You may not remove the links without our permission.